Ideas to generate income even when retired

Ever wondered how you should spend your time when you retired? Maybe, initially, there was a long list of things that you wanted to do. Im sure you have had hundreds of thoughts of how to spend your time, such as going on holiday three times a year, develop a new hobby, learn some new skills, spend a couple of months abroad and enjoy a more relaxed life, etc. But the next thing that comes to your mind might probably be the inevitable expenses for these big plans. The list now gets shorter and shorter. So eventually big plans become dreams, dreams become wishes, wishes become some random thoughts. Have you ever thought of doing something interesting which could generate some income, as well as enjoying your life at the same time?  

Here are things that could bring you some money, which are also flexible in time. They are guaranteed to be fun and exciting too! 

Be a secret customer

You can find this type of job advertisement on almost every recruitment platform. Usually, you are required to spend about half an hour in a designated shop or restaurant, and you would need to interact with the shopkeeper or waiter and fill out a questionnaire afterwards. The questionnaire is usually about hygiene, tidiness, the qualify of customer service, etc. You will get paid once you have returned feedback to the company. The best part of it is, if you are assigned to visit a restaurant, you are usually given an allowance to enjoy the food at the restaurant. A great way to get free lunch and some good laughs with your partner during and after the visit! 

Be a product tester

This is certainly a job for those who love giving critical opinions and at the same time enjoying being helpful. There are numerous market research firms out there looking for people from different age groups to try out different products, finding ways to improve their clients’ products and customer experience. Simply go online and check out what you can find. Youll be surprised to find testing products like hiking gear, baby cream, walking sticks, teeth whitening product… all sorts of testings that you can simply carry out from home. Maybe you can try to flip it around: choose something that you would like to be a product tester of and get paid for doing it.  

Publish a short Kindle ebook

Photo by from Pexels

Our digital culture has made the cost for publishing never been lower and never been easier than before. Days, when it used to be very difficult to be picked and published, have passed. It could be anything from a made-up story you have drafted in mind but never got the courage to put it on paper, or some compilation of jokes that you have collected over the years, or even your unusual life stories that are actually valuable lessons to the younger generation. Why not let the world know about it? The length of it doesnt matter. I had also bought ebooks that were less than 30 pages long. 

There are even guidelines on the internet about how to publish an ebook in 5 steps (or something like that). Remember, anything you withhold from sharing means that you have consciously taken away someone elses chance of benefiting from what you have to share.  

There are many more ideas out there. Leave us a comment to share your hilarious income-generating thoughts!